Hello and welcome to Plain version 1.0. This is a simple web site template maximising the use of css and xhtml. Whitespace is used in abundance to really push its importance in web design. Navigate the page via the menu at the top of the page, or the links underneath this paragraph.

Hello and welcome to Plain 1.0. As mentioned earlier this is a fairly simple template, powered entirely by css and xhtml. I am also trying to make as much use of whitespace as possible. Whitespace helps keep the page looking clean and easy on the eye, whilst improving readability also. As with all my templates, a limited number of images have been used, and when they have, they've been to aid the design. This results in an easily customisable template that can be used to an array of different sites.
As anyone looking for a website template to use would expect - this template is of course, both CSS and XHTML valid according to the w3c. The benfits of this include;
- The website rendering correctly in a wide range of browser platforms
- Since CSS is used to maximise the aesthetics of the website the load times are extremely low making for an extremely accessable website.
- Low use of images saves bandwidth and improves load times
For more information regarding this, and lots of other usefull web design related stuff, follow this link.
About the Author
Hi there. My names Jay and I'm an 18 Year old web designer from the United Kingdom. My company; Six Shooter Media provides a wide range of web design possibilities to a wide range of clients. I specialise in CSS and XHTML coding but can also install and modify PHP scripts such as Counters and Content Management Systems.
I also run my own personal website, which I use as a blog, a place to upload my photographs/drawings, do a bit of writing, and post news about my web design capers now and again. Along side this website, I've just opened another website which I use to host my templates and write tutorials for web design beginners. This can be found here.
I make these web templates in my spare time as a kind of hobby, plus I like 'giving something back' to the web design community. Feel free to download and use this template as you wish - for you site or just for education purposes, but please leave the link to my website in at the bottom of the page, thanks.